
26th May2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

26th May 2011...

A solemn date indeed...

It was a day where sun never "shone" in the morning, a day where waking up to the mellow tunes of life...
It was a day where 3 most dearest people in my friends life, departed from this beautiful world... Leaving behind loved ones, friends, colleagues, and people they know...

My dearest friend in Rotaract, William, lost his mum in the morning...

My dear neighbor, Eddy, lost his uncle during the afternoon...

My Rotaract clubs' Past President, Nanthini, lost her dad at night...

Out of three, which two of them succumbed to cardiac failure / arrest (heart attack)... I would like to pay my respects to them with this blog...

All of them shall be dearly missed....

Bz... Bz... Beeee ZZZZzzzz....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Been bz lately... been working late nights rushing for jobs to be delivered by 26th May...
Boss not around... (In Beijing, China, entertaining customer)
Last weekend, my friends & I went back to Furry Friends Farm again, this time not for a mere visit but to provide a helping hand to Sabrina the owner of the farm...

Never & i mean NEVER, have i fried before sooOOOoooo many eggs... Yes, you saw it right.. Lots & lots of eggs... i mean by the hundreds (30 pcs per tray X 20 trays)

Whopping 600 eggs, just for a one day meal for the dogs alone... It was fun nonetheless...

Was so occupied with all our tasks at hand that no photos were taken... HAIH....

Thats all for now... gotto get back to work...


Second Chances...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

When it comes to the phrase "Second Chances", how many would think that it would refer to something else other than relationships, careers, & auditions?

Today, I learned about yet another valuable lesson in life... "Second Chances"at

, a safe haven for both abandoned dogs & cats alike... This is the place where "second chances" are given to these furry friends as they are picked up from all over selangor state instead of being put to sleep....

Sabrina Yeap, the owner of the farm, is almost full time into taking care of these furry little friends whom was once called "Man's Best Friend"... According to Sabrina, it takes 8 bags of 10 KG rice per day to feed all the dogs there. That means a whopping  2400Kg per month... On sundays, there are volunteers who comes and help her either wash the farm, help groom the dogs, or just cook the meals... On weekdays, she handles it all by her own self...
* I salute this woman for her determination her devoted love for these poor dogs...

 The oldest cat in Furry Friends (Hair loss due to old age)

Where were the "men" when these ever loyal creatures are in dire need of help?
Funny isn't it?... How an animal, not related to us human kind, is ever ready to serve us till death, making sure that we are safe & happy while their life may be endangered at any given moment...

These furry little friends offer companionship & all they ask in return is love & care....
Some of them in Furry Friends Farm (FFF), may not even live to see that day;
The most ill dog in the farm; suffering from maggot infection in its mouth thus making it difficult to eat & chew..
see how thin it is? It is just waiting there counting its days...

Some of these dogs or cats was in such a poor condition that they are practically bags of bones....
This dog here is a shy little fellow, whom normally have problems getting his share of food due to timidness...

These dogs have to be separated from the rest of the dogs as they are either too weak to fend for their food or too fierce that it might injure other dogs....

Living conditions here in the farm may not be heavenly but its a cozy safe haven nonetheless...

These are some of the other dogs...

Here are some others...

The dogs are separated into different confinements based on their age and sizes... 
Here in this pic, we can see that concrete drain tunnels are used as substitute to cages so that these dogs are able to feel more at home as though they are in the streets...

Let me briefly introduce some the farms prominent pedigree...
 This here is Shubby, whom normally fights with other dogs to defends it portion of food... The problem is, while Shubby defends her food, she tends to forget about it thus leaving herself fighting for nothing in the end...

This is the CEO of the farm, she is Mew mew... She is the oldest dog in the farm... Having got blinded on the right eye after a fight with a doberman...
This is Morgan, one of the few dogs in the farm that was rescued of an island near Pulau Ketam, where they were abandoned there by the villagers without food... So harsh is the inhabitable island that these dogs have to feed of the carcasses of the already dead dogs...

This dog is also one of the remaining Pulau Ketam dogs; Its suffering from a skin disease...

This dog is practically skin and bones...

This is another poor Pulau Ketam dog...

All in all, the were 28 dogs rescued from the island and only 22 survived...

Phoebe is one of the three, three legged dogs in the farm... She a very cute dog, and man does she like the attention.... hahahah

This is Lucky, the first ever pedigree dog (rottweiler) in the farm... Taken in due to an abuse case by owner... He is a very, very playful dog (for a rottweiler breed). Now he has a phobia of men as he was beaten by its previous owner for misbehaving...

This is Tiny... She is the smallest sized guest in this farm... She was born in the farm but due to malnutrition, she can no longer grow in size... Her sisters whom are larger in size than she is have all passed on leaving only her... She leads a very lonely life as she is separated from other dogs in order to protect her from being harmed... Not to mention, she is to be adopted by ME, when my house is ready in three months time... Its kinda "Love at 1st sight"....

 The amount of bowls to be washed and is seen here being washed by one of the volunteers who frequent themselves to the farm on sundays... Furry Friend farm has a group very devoted volunteers of 7 person that visits the farm on sundays not only for a mere visit but be of service to these poor neglected creatures... As for the cats, there is a group of ladies whom they frequent themselves to the farm every Monday, Wednesday, & Fridays just to be in service to the cats...

For those of you who feels like contributing in kinds or lending a hand at the farm, be it weekdays or weekends, feel free to contact Sabrina...

Furry Friends Farm
Mailing Address :
Sabrina Yeap
c/o 79, Jalan Sri Cemara 3/7,
Bandar Sri Damansara,
55200 Kuala Lumpur
Contact No. 016 - 631 9018

Upcoming adventures...

Almost forgot...
Following from the previous post of WOW Day... at the end of the day, the biggest satisfaction & joy in such events is normally PRICELESSS......

and not to mention... our little friend...

"Take to HEART, answer with LOVE!"

Anyways, talking bout all this... I will be embarking on another adventure this weekend; pending confirmation of plans...

But as it is, tentatively, there will be write ups on:-
a) Rotaract District Sports Day - June
b) "Boot" Camp - June
c) "My Community, Begins with me" - July
d) POCCM Wheelchair fundraising - Sept

so far thats my calendar for now... stay tuned... hahahah

Some other stuff...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Here some things throughout these two weeks....

Kewl Cake... ""30"

Aren't these guys (the girl) cute? hehehe...

Imitating the samurai on my shirt?!?!

The truth revealed.....

Leadership Programme (LP) 144 - Wow Day "A day with the Orang Asli"

Monday, May 9, 2011

As mentioned in the previous post, here it is... The write up on WOW Day - "A Day with the Orang Asli"

Once upon a dawn...

At the crack of dawn, I left home at about 6.30 am. to reach Taylor's College Sri Hartamas to meet up with some other volunteers and lead them to the village.... We arrived about 8am in the morning and I started equipping myself with my gears...
Pretty cool huh?

The fact that i sacrificed my beautiful sunday morning to this is because of the "Original" People & I promised to do it for a bunch of rednecks...
To begin the day, I tested some shots...
still can cari makan a bit.... considering the fact that i received no formal training what so ever... hehhee

Now that I am ready... Met up with my friend, Aaric, the emcee of the day...
he was kinda in a blur mood... 1 can only wonder what he had done the night before... I also couldnt help but took a candid shot of a friend, SURESH, without him knowing....
He looked like... cant seem to find the right words to describe this picture... hehehe
Well, at about 9.15 am, the whole event started with formalities & introductions... I on the other hand, took this shot...
Kinda catchy though, "LISTEN, The children are calling!"

As usual, in an event like this, there will be clusters of people doing all sorts of stuff ...
Some came to join the activities...

Some came to babysit...

Some came to meet long lost friends...

Some just like taking photographs...

Some hoping to strike it rich...

Some don't even know what they are there for...

Some got tricked to be there...

Some even Dressed for Clubbing?!?

Kinda funny how things always works out? ahahha...
The day went on with a sports carnival, a bouncing castle for the kids and musical chairs for the orang asli people, & here we get to see some villagers happily playing along...
Its obvious that this lady likes to dance...

He is Atai... He likes it...

Last butt on the chair, loses!!!

Best of all, this boy wore this shirt all day long to express his love for his mom in conjunction with 
"Mother's Day"...

All in all, it was a tiring day indeed...

Everyone huddled in....

Everyone was happy...
I just had to post this...