
"Living below the line" Day 2

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Woke waaaay early in the morning at 7am to get ready to participate in a paintball session at MAPAAC in Astaka Field, PJ... As Malaysians would have known, today is a replacement for the 1st of May, labour day holiday which happens to be a sunday...

Without breakfast, i hastily prepared myself & my gear to have a great time ahead... We were divided to 6 teams by virtue of drawing lots. After the entire morning slogging it out in the fields & having shot a few head shots upon my opposing teams, my team placed second.

By then it was 11am, and brunch was served... a choice between Nasi lemak (RM3/pcs) or Roti chanai (RM1/pcs)... I chose two pieces of roti chanai which came with a packet of dhall each; i ate the rotis & drank the 2 dhall packets.

RM 2 well spent for breakfast...

(The pics shall be uploaded once JITCO uploads it to facebook)

Went home after that and arrived at about 1pm... dozed off after nice long bath to wash off the dirt & mud of me...

I actually had my mom help me buy a simple vegetarian meal for dinner... GUESS WHAT?
RM 2.50!!!
All in all, on day 2, i managed myself with RM 4.50...
wasnt that a deal???


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