
Unpredictable Life...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Yesterday, i found out that my sister (a law abiding driver)... got involve in an accident, her MyVi got banged from behind by a Prado (land cruiser)...

Life is unpredictable... We dun know what is gonna happen to us at anytime...
SO that is why, when i got to know a project which is to be conducted by Rotaract Club of Subang named "Living Below The Line".

Its bout how to live with USD 2 per day on food alone, of which after convertion its about RM 6 per day...

RM 6 per day for food alone...
come to think of it, I will take up the challenge...

One of the biggest challenges living in the city is to survive with all the escalating costs of living, and if I can manage to survive with RM 6 a day on food costs, IT WILL DEFINITELY DO WONDERS TO MY EXPENSES... 

Imagine RM 6 X 30 days = RM 180 in total for food expenditure... hmmmmm, interesting...

Here are the rules and regulations for the project:-
It only applies for only food and drinks. Throughout the whole duration, you;
  1. Can get free water (boiled water, tab water), but not bottled/mineral water, those need to be counted in the RM6/day
  2. Cannot accept free meals/discounted meals, unless u buy near shelf life can food, or discounted pastries from bakeries near closing time
  3. Best estimate of price of food/drinks if you could not get the exact figure (e.g. half a bottle of strawberry jam = half price of the bottle, 2 sachet of milo per whole packet of 20sachets = 10% of the price of the packet)
  4. Can combine purchase of few days (if you are doing it more than a day). E.g. a loaf of bread and 10 eggs to last 3 days
  5. Electricity i.e. toaster, microwave, blenders are considered as free to ease the calculation
The challenge starts from 1st May 2011 and ends at 8th May 2011, but if it works, why shouldnt I keep it going?

Throughout these 7 days, i will be constantly updating daily on what i have spent my RM 6 on to survive the day... Join in too on the challenge if u think u are up for it...

another day...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Went thru some photos (scavenging for things to write)... guess what i found...
someone sent an ultimatum to MBPJ or is it MPBJ?!?!?
then again... which is wierder? ultimatum to MBPJ or one whole kelong full of crocs?!?
BUT the best of all, nothing beats a REAL LIFE SIZE MERMAID.... (Human Fish?)

Japanese works of Art...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Giant Prawn...shitting?!? (three balls at the bottom)

Grouper eating Butterfly... (notice a small butterfly at the mouth)

Eagle catching fish...

King of the sea (as written on the sign board)... HELP!!!! I am melting....

Ice Fairy... with a tail?

Hats off to this one... see how intricate the work is? with bubbles as well....


Went thru my pics today and found out some interesting stuff.... beer anyone?

3 stooges...

santa drank a little too much...

and I got this in my inbox today.... (just for laughs)